Monday, July 13

About a boy and a girl

This will just be a quickie, but my friend Alison, also my old roomie from my days back at Austin Peay, who ALSO happens to be - almost to the DAY - as pregnant as I am, just found out she and her husband are having a girl!! I'm really excited for them. Alison wanted a girl, and I just had this feeling she'd get her wish. :) Alison and Don are going to make a fine mommy and daddy, and that little girl is gonna have one crafty momma! I must admit, there is a tiny piece of me that envies the bond I know they'll have. Being the artsy ladies that we are, we look forward to having daughters to share that passion with.
Earlier in the year, when I first made Henry (the elephant in the picture), Alison fell in love with it (the woman is a fan of the pachyderms) and asked me to make her one. Funny, when I made mine, I made it with very boy colors. Not with any purpose in mind, I just liked the colors. Then Alison asks me to make her one. What colors? Brown, green, pink and white. Girl all the way. Who knew just a few short months later we'd BOTH be knocked up, each with a matching elephant-baby combo? :)
Now to get that little elephant all finished up and on its way to the Nation house!


a.nation said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVE YOU POST!!! and I can't wait to get my new little baby and it's elephant!